J Korean Child Neurol Soc Search


Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society 2006;14(1):59-67.
Published online May 30, 2006.
The Clinical and Electroencephalographic Characteristics of Hypomotor Seizures in Children.
Hee Hwang, Ji Eun Choi, Jong Hee Chae, Ki Joong Kim, Yong Seung Hwang
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. pednr@plaza.snu.ac.kr
A hypomotor seizure is a useful descriptive terminology, but its clinical and ictal characteristics are not fully understood. We investigated the clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of hypomotor seizures in children. METHODS: We reviewed 394 video-taped recordings, performed between Dec. 1994 and Feb. 2003., to select patients of hypomotor seizures. Exclusion criteria were as follows; i) hypomotor seizures accompanied with other types of seizures in a single event, ii) patients without neurocognitive dysfunctions who were older than 3 years old, iii) non-convulsive status epilepticus, iv) poor video quality. A total of 329 hypomotor seizures from 42 patients (M:F=27:15) were included. The mean age of onset was 1.9 years old, the mean age at the monitoring 4.5 years old, and the mean duration of follow-ups 3.9 years. RESULTS: Thirteen patients (31%) showed generalized onset, hypomotor seizures while 29 patients (69%) showed partial onset hypomotor seizures. 35 patients (83.3%) had neurocognitive deficits. Significant abnormalities in the on brain MRIs were revealed in 23 patients (54.8 %). The concordance rates of interictal epileptiform discharges were 29.0%. In 8 patients, (hypomotor seizures were separately accompanied by other types of seizures (19.0%)). Comparing generalized seizures (group 1) with partial seizures (group 2), there were no significant differences in the clinical parameters between the two groups. In brain MRIs, group 2 tended to have focal lesions. On the analysis of ictal rhythms in group 1, diffuse spike and wave discharges were noted in 8 patients, rhythmic beta in 2 patients, semirhythmic theta in 1 patient, diffuse attenuation of the background in 1 patient, and bilateral beta in 1 patient. Among 5 patients with ictal rhythms other than diffuse spike and wave discharges, 4 patients were younger than 3 years old. On the analysis in group 2, rhythmic ictal patterns were noted in 24 patients (82.8%), seimirhythmic in 2 patients (6.9%), and irregular in 3 patients (10.3%). The distribution of ictal frequencies was as follows:alpha in 3 (10.3%), beta in 4 (13.8%), theta in 10 (34.5%), delta in 4 (13.8%), repetitive spikes or sharp waves in 5 (17.3%), and spikes and waves in 3 (10.3%). Rhythmic beta patterns tended to be localized into the posterior quadrant. CONCLUSION: Hypomotor seizures consist of generalized-onset (31%) and partial-onset (69 %). No clinical parameters can predict the ictal patterns. Various patterns in patients with generalized onset hypomotor seizures under 3 years old may suggest different mechanisms of generalized hypomotor seizures from absence seizures. Rhythmic beta patterns from the posterior quadrant may suggest the localization-specific ictal patterns.
Key Words: Hypomotor seizure, Electroencephalogram, Video-EEG monitoring


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