Clinical Manifestations and EEG Findings of Children with Centro-temporal Spikes. |
Kang Ho Cho |
Department of Pediatrics, Gachon Medical School, Incheon, Korea. |
Abstract |
PURPOSE The objective of this study is to review the clinical manifestations and EEG findings of children with centro-temporal spikes. METHODS: We reviewed the clinical records of 38 patients showed epileptiform discharges on centro-temporal area and followed over 6 months at the Pediatric Neurology Clinic, Ghil hospital from February 1996 to July 1999. According to the EEG findings, they were classified into 2 groups : One was the group with epileptiform discharges on centro-temporal area only and the second was the group with other abnormal EEG findings besides centro-temporal epileptiform discharges. RESULTS: 1) The chief complaints included nocturnal convulsions in 30, diurnal convulsions in 4, headache in 2, febrile convulsion in 1 and self-mutilation in 1 patient. 2) According to seizure types, 3 patients had simple partial seizure, 17 had complex partial seizure and 14 had generalized seizure. 3) According to EEG findings, 20 showed centro-temporal spikes only, 18 revealed centro-temporal spikes and other abnormality. 4) The clinical seizure attacks prior to medication were observed in 34 patients, with 1 to 3 seizure attacks in 23, 4 to 10 attacks in 8 and over 10 attacks in 3 cases. 5) After medication 19 patients had no seizure attack and 11 had 1 to 3 attacks. Three patients had more than 10 attacks, but 2 of them were not adequately treated. CONCLUSION: It seems that the prognosis of the patients with centro-temporal spikes is good, but more rigorous studies based on more comprehensive data will be needed. |
Key Words:
Centro-temporal spikes, EEG, Seizure, Childhood |